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Is the most EXPENSIVE micro four thirds lens ever made worth it? “Big White” Review!
The Olympus Pro 150-400mm f4.5 constant, also known as Big White. It's the most expensive Micro Four Thirds lens ever made! So, needless to say, my expectations were sky-high. Is it worth the hefty price tag? Let me show you what I got up to with this lens and share my thoughts and feelings.

OM System 150-600mm F5-6.3 review… Madness?!
Alright, Nerds, let’s delve into this colossal piece of kit — the OM System M.Zuiko Digital ED 150-600mm F5.0-6.3 IS Lens. It’s not just a chonky boi; it’s absolutely enormous! But is the bigger form factor worth it for the versatility this lens gives you?

Lenses That Make Micro Four Thirds Make Sense
For some people, it’s the smaller camera bodies and lenses, faster burst modes, computational features, and, of course, affordability. I believe it’s the lenses that make this system unique. Some lenses have no equivalent in other systems, or if they do, they cost a small fortune.

Olympus M.Zuiko 9-18mm f4-5.6 Long Term Review
Here's my review of the epic, yet flawed! Olympus 9-18mm f4-5.6 wide angle lens for micro four thirds. It might just be the best value wide angle lens for micro four thirds out there. Learn all about it here!

The BEST Micro Four Thirds Zoom lens
This a little love letter to the Olympus 40-150mm f2.8. What a beaut! Here are my thoughts, a video review, and lots of photo examples for you to check out!

lumix leica summilux 9mm f1.7 full review
At long last! We have an official wide-angle prime from Lumix for the micro four thirds system! The Lumix Leixa 9mm f1.7 is finally here! I know it’s been a lens that a lot of people have been waiting for — myself included! — so let’s jump into my review. I’ve had the lens for a while now and I’ve tested it in some tricky situations. Here are my thoughts, and plenty of sample images!

Olympus 60mm f2.8 Macro review — photo examples
Fun fact: the Olympus 60mm f2.8 macro lens is the lens that convinced me to switch to micro four thirds. I tried it in a shop on an Olympus Pen F. I took a penny out of my pocket and started shooting. I fell in love with the lens there and then. Here are my thoughts and some photo examples of the Olympus 60mm f2.8 macro lens for micro four thirds.

Meike 16mm T2.2 cine lens review
What a time to be alive. We finally have some affordable, blummin’ fantastic quality cine lenses for micro four thirds. The Meike 16mm T2.2 cine lens is a little gem. It’s available for micro four thirds and Sony E mount. Here are my thoughts.

7Artisans 60mm f2.8 macro lens REVIEW
The 7Artisans 60mm f2.8 macro lens is pretty darn impressive. I was lucky enough to get my hands on one before its release. Here are my findings, along with loads of test images.

7Artisans 7.5mm f2.8 Fisheye Review - Real World Results
The 7Artisans 7.5mm f2.8 fisheye lens is such a gem. I can’t believe the price of it compared to the results it can give you. I’ve been using it steadily for over 3 months now, for everything from astrophotography to every day walk-about photography. Here are my thoughts, and loads of photo examples for you to take a look at.

Adapting lenses to Micro Four Thirds - Beginner's Guide and TIPS
One of the greatest things about the micro four thirds camera system is how easy it can be to adapt other brand lenses and even vintage lenses to the system. But if this is something you haven’t tried before, it can be a bit daunting. So here’s a beginner’s guide to adapting lenses.

Adapting Pentax 110 lenses to Micro Four Thirds
Pentax 110 lenses can very easily be adapted to micro four thirds cameras. The 110 “sensor” size is m43 sized so you don’t even need a fancy or expensive adapter to do it.
Are these lenses ridiculously small? Yes.
Are they capable? I think so.
And either way, it’s a ton of fun. Let’s check out the results!

The Best Micro Four Thirds Lenses
The best micro four thirds lenses
(in my opinion!)
I have a lot of lenses. Like… a LOT. Probably way too many lenses. But LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE! This is a family photo I can get on board with.

Meike 25mm 1.8 review
I've reviewed a few Meike lenses recently, and they all share some amazing qualities. They're all built like tanks: full metal build, nice heavy feel to them, and they're all incredibly sharp. The Meike 25mm 1.8 is no different. It also brings a few new interesting characteristics to the table.

Meike 28mm f2.8 review for Micro Four Thirds
The Meike 28mm f2.8 for micro four thirds is tiny lens is an interesting prospect. I was excited to get my hands on it and take it for a test drive.

Meike 25mm F2.0 Lens Review
I was very lucky to get my hands on this new Meike 25mm f2 lens before it was released to the general public. I've spent lots of time with it now, and it's fit into my kit quite nicely.

Lumix 25mm 1.4 lens review
I'm not going to beat around the bush, here. I think this might be my favourite lens of all time. Yes, it has its flaws, but... wow. This lens has such a magic ability to capture my ideas.