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Sick of paying monthly?! BEST Lightroom alternatives 2025
Let’s examine some Lightroom alternatives, and if it’s worth the change for you. I’ve got 3 alternatives that are entirely free. Zero cost, nada, nothing. And then 3 alternatives which are perhaps a bit more feature rich and have a one-off fee then you own it forever. No monthly or annual subscription.

DJI Pocket 3 Long-Term Review (As a Content Creator)
It's not often that I'm swayed by the flood of embargoed product reviews on YouTube to go out and buy something immediately. However, the DJI Pocket 3 managed to do just that. Here are my long term thoughts!

How to convert Lumix GM5 / GM1 / GF7 from Japanese to English (2024 guide!)
As someone who collects older, tiny, cameras, this technique has come in really handy for me so far! I’ve successfully converted my Lumix GF7 to English, and now the Lumix GM5 that I bought from Tokyo. Here’s how:

How to Convert Lightroom Presets to LUTs for Real Time LUT
A Comprehensive Guide on converting Lightroom Presets to LUTs to be used on photos or videos. Ideal for Real Time LUT in some Lumix cameras!

EXACTLY how I get my camera bargains — and you can too!
I’m quite adept at bargain hunting, if I do say so myself. It’s a skill I’ve honed through years of being a cheapskate, basically. And I thought it was about time I showed you the ways. Here are my thoughts and tips on hunting down bargain cameras.

How to take photos on holiday without annoying your loved ones
This topic is near and dear to my heart, and I think there’s a lot of value in these tips. So if you’re planning a holiday away with those strange non-photography type folks — perhaps your family, or a group of friends — then this is the place for you!

10 best every day carry tiny cameras for ALL budgets!
Here is a definitive ranking of the last 10 tiny cameras that I've reviewed for your viewing pleasure. If you’re looking for some inspiration for your next camera, you’ve come to the right place.
So without further ado, let's get in at number 10. Number 10…

Lumix GH6 astrophotography
I had a nerdy weekend shooting astrophotography with my Lumix GH6 and S5

Real Time LUT for Photography?
One of the very best new features in the Lumix S5ii (and hopefully other Lumix cameras very soon!) is Real Time LUT. You can now add in your favourite LUTS (and more importantly: converted Lightroom presets!) into your camera and shoot with them in real time! what a time to be alive eh?

Open Gate - What is it and why is it AWESOME?!
I love the open gate function on the Lumix GH6. here are three ways I use it day-to-day and why you should too!

Everyone should own this vintage lens!
A love letter to my Helios 58mm 442. Loads of test footage. and real world footage. and generally me just gushing love for this amazing lens!

Lumix GH6 SSD recording! Everything you need to know
I was lucky enough to try the latest firmware for the Lumix GH6. here is everything you need to know!

Pentax 110 adapted to Micro Four Thirds
I love the Pentax 110 lenses, they’re small, fun, fast, and you don’t need anything fancy to adapt them. They’re a perfect fit for the micro four thirds system because the 110 film size is almost identical to the micro four thirds sensor. Here is my in-depth review of the lenses!
Lumix gh6 for photography
We all know the Lumix gh6 is brilliant for video, but what about photography? It has so many great photography features! including:-

Micro four thirds for astrophotography
I recently went to the Brecon Beacons National Park with all of my lovely cameras, for a full night of Astrophotography! I shot on the Lumix G100, the GH5, and also the full frame Lumix S5. Here are my findings!

My Photography wrap-up for 2019 // Best Photos and what I've learned
I guess this is a bit of a late wrap-up but here we are! I think it’s so valuable to look back on your work over time and see where you’ve improved. One of the things I love most about photography is that there is always something more to learn. It’s always important to keep pushing forward. Even if it makes looking at your older photos a bit uncomfortable at times!
So here are some of my favourite images — and things I’ve learned — over the past year in photography
I’ll do “in no particular order” until I get to number 1 because I definitely have one in mind! And I’ll stick to my own personal projects rather than weddings.

The EVERYTHING Preset: The All-In-One Photo and Video Wedding Photographer Solution
Dear Reader, I’ve worked tirelessly on this new preset pack. I do not say that lightly. My entire photography/videography career, I’ve wanted a preset that just WORKS, for both photo and video.
I was forever editing them both separately, sometimes editing in a completely different style from job to job. It was making my workload heavier and frankly it was doing my head in.
So here it is. After many moons of tweaking: my EVERYTHING preset.

Lumix S1 for Wedding Photography
I’ve used the Lumix S1 for plenty of weddings, pre-wedding shoots, and other paid work now. So here are my thoughts on the Lumix S1 as a wedding photographer’s main camera.

Paint powder photography: Tips, Tricks, Mistakes
I’ve been dying to do a shoot like this for ages. There’s just something ridiculously fun about getting messy with your mates in the name of art. Here’s a behind the scenes look at the paint powder photo shoot, and some tips I learned along the way.