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Lenses That Make Micro Four Thirds Make Sense
For some people, it’s the smaller camera bodies and lenses, faster burst modes, computational features, and, of course, affordability. I believe it’s the lenses that make this system unique. Some lenses have no equivalent in other systems, or if they do, they cost a small fortune.

Olympus M.Zuiko 9-18mm f4-5.6 Long Term Review
Here's my review of the epic, yet flawed! Olympus 9-18mm f4-5.6 wide angle lens for micro four thirds. It might just be the best value wide angle lens for micro four thirds out there. Learn all about it here!

The Best Micro Four Thirds Lenses
The best micro four thirds lenses
(in my opinion!)
I have a lot of lenses. Like… a LOT. Probably way too many lenses. But LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE! This is a family photo I can get on board with.