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Lumix G9ii vs OM System OM1ii
The Lumix G9ii and the OM System OM1ii are the two latest micro four thirds flagship cameras. I’ve recently been out in the real world putting them both through their paces! Here is my as-agnostic-as-I-can-be comparison and buying guide for your reading pleasure.

The Most Premium Tiny Camera Ever Made! Lumix GM5 Review
The first thing I noticed when I picked up the Lumix GM5 was how much it felt like a traditional camera. The on/off lever is even metal, and the back dial lets you change your settings quickly and easily on the go. No spinny wheel of doom in sight!
Here's my full review of this special tiny camera.

Olympus M.Zuiko 9-18mm f4-5.6 Long Term Review
Here's my review of the epic, yet flawed! Olympus 9-18mm f4-5.6 wide angle lens for micro four thirds. It might just be the best value wide angle lens for micro four thirds out there. Learn all about it here!

How to take photos on holiday without annoying your loved ones
This topic is near and dear to my heart, and I think there’s a lot of value in these tips. So if you’re planning a holiday away with those strange non-photography type folks — perhaps your family, or a group of friends — then this is the place for you!

One lens to rule them all?
I shot with nothing but the Lumix 10-25 and the 25-50 for an entire (very busy!) month! here are my findings

Real Time LUT for Photography?
One of the very best new features in the Lumix S5ii (and hopefully other Lumix cameras very soon!) is Real Time LUT. You can now add in your favourite LUTS (and more importantly: converted Lightroom presets!) into your camera and shoot with them in real time! what a time to be alive eh?

Meike Cine lenses for Micro Four Thirds
I am a fan of the Meike cine lenses! So When I got to add the 35mm and the 10mm to my set I was over the moon. I shot a wedding, along with some other jobs, with these beautiful lenses. here are my findings!

Laowa 25mm f0.95 review
What an interesting lens! You can get some fantastic low light images with this lens, but it isn’t without its quirks. Check out all my photo examples and full review here.

lumix leica summilux 9mm f1.7 full review
At long last! We have an official wide-angle prime from Lumix for the micro four thirds system! The Lumix Leixa 9mm f1.7 is finally here! I know it’s been a lens that a lot of people have been waiting for — myself included! — so let’s jump into my review. I’ve had the lens for a while now and I’ve tested it in some tricky situations. Here are my thoughts, and plenty of sample images!
lumix gh6 vs lumix s5
The Lumix GH6 and the S5 get compared a lot in conversation, as they cover a lot of the same bases for a videographer or photographer. Here is a 5 stage in-depth comparison between the lumix gh6 and the lumix s5!

My Photography wrap-up for 2019 // Best Photos and what I've learned
I guess this is a bit of a late wrap-up but here we are! I think it’s so valuable to look back on your work over time and see where you’ve improved. One of the things I love most about photography is that there is always something more to learn. It’s always important to keep pushing forward. Even if it makes looking at your older photos a bit uncomfortable at times!
So here are some of my favourite images — and things I’ve learned — over the past year in photography
I’ll do “in no particular order” until I get to number 1 because I definitely have one in mind! And I’ll stick to my own personal projects rather than weddings.

A (much better than average) week in the life of a wedding photographer
What a week! I shot a beautiful castle wedding at Blairquhan castle Castle in Scotland, then with only a day in between I was off to Switzerland for the Evolve wedding videography retreat.

The EVERYTHING Preset: The All-In-One Photo and Video Wedding Photographer Solution
Dear Reader, I’ve worked tirelessly on this new preset pack. I do not say that lightly. My entire photography/videography career, I’ve wanted a preset that just WORKS, for both photo and video.
I was forever editing them both separately, sometimes editing in a completely different style from job to job. It was making my workload heavier and frankly it was doing my head in.
So here it is. After many moons of tweaking: my EVERYTHING preset.

Sandmarc iPhone lenses Review — Phone photography just got REAL
After reviewing the Sandmarc Anamorphic iPhone lens, and loving the hell out of it! Sandmarc were kind enough to send me three more of their premium lenses for review. How exciting. I received a wide angle lens, a fisheye lens, and a macro. I’ll get further into each lens shortly, but in a nutshell: if you want to up your phone photography (and video!) game, then these are the products to look at.

Lumix S1 for Wedding Photography
I’ve used the Lumix S1 for plenty of weddings, pre-wedding shoots, and other paid work now. So here are my thoughts on the Lumix S1 as a wedding photographer’s main camera.

American Road Trip #3 - Camping in Monument Valley, Hunts Mesa - astrophotography
Hold on to your hats, guys. This is where the good stuff is. We camped out overnight in Monument Valley, in Hunts Mesa, with a Navajo guide. The views. THE VIEWS! Wow! Honestly one of the best experiences of my life. I even got a little bit of astrophotography done. In the end. Even if it was at 1am when I woke up for a wee.

Move Shoot Move — World’s smallest star tracker review
Astrophotography is a little rabbit hole, jump in at your peril. One day you’re ecstatic that you’ve gotten a shot in focus, then the next day you’re researching star trackers. Welcome to the beautiful insanity, Dear Reader.
Now, if you’re like me, size is going to be a big factor in what you buy. You’re already going to have a tripod, a wide angle lens, and you’re probably heading out into the wilderness to get away from that pesky light pollution.

American Road Trip - part #2 — Zion National Park, Las Vegas
I’ve been to Zion national park twice before, and until I went to Yosemite it was my favourite national park. Zion is blummin’ stunning. It has a bit of everything — red desert stone, green trees, blue water. It’s great.
This time we decided to do a nice simple walk called the Canyon Overlook Trail. It’s just about a mile round trip. The view at the end is just… amazing. It’s about as good as Angel’s Landing and you don’t have to kill yourself to see it.

Paint powder photography: Tips, Tricks, Mistakes
I’ve been dying to do a shoot like this for ages. There’s just something ridiculously fun about getting messy with your mates in the name of art. Here’s a behind the scenes look at the paint powder photo shoot, and some tips I learned along the way.

Olympus 60mm f2.8 Macro review — photo examples
Fun fact: the Olympus 60mm f2.8 macro lens is the lens that convinced me to switch to micro four thirds. I tried it in a shop on an Olympus Pen F. I took a penny out of my pocket and started shooting. I fell in love with the lens there and then. Here are my thoughts and some photo examples of the Olympus 60mm f2.8 macro lens for micro four thirds.